Human-Computer-Human Interaction Patterns

Workshop on the human role in HCI Patterns

Welcome to the home page of the CHI2004 workshop Human-Computer-Human Interaction Patterns. The workshop will take place at CHI2004 in Vienna, Austria, on Sunday, April 25th and Monday, April 26th 2004.

"Patterns" were defined and named by architect Christopher Alexander in 1977. They espouse an approach to design – codified in the patterns --- focusing on interactions between physical forms and personal and social behaviour.

At the CHI 2004 workshop, we elicit patterns describing human–computer–human interaction. Areas of interest include collaborative workspaces and intelligent environments, multi-player games, collaborative web-sites, interaction among mobile users, collaborative learning, and peer-to-peer applications. The role of patterns in these areas should focus on users. As with Alexandrian patterns, patterns of interest should shift emphasis from developers to end users and from computer system internals to usage and interaction.

To participate, submit one or more patterns before January 12th. The patterns will then be assigned a shepherd, an experienced pattern author, who will collaborate with you to improve your pattern before the workshop. Submitting earlier will give you more shepherding time. At CHI2004, we will discuss patterns in writer’s workshops, and explore the patterns contexts to create a coherent pattern language. Finally, we will look into applying PLML, the Pattern Language Markup Language (a product of the CHI2003 Patterns Workshop) to the discussed patterns.

On the following pages you will find some information to learn more about the workshop.

- Theme
- Workshop Activities
- Important Dates
- Organizers
- How to submit a contribution
- Submitted Patterns
- Administrative Stuff (for organizers only)

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