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New SIGCHI Community

The homepage of IFIP WG 13.2

Tom Erickson's Interaction Design Patterns home page

A very good portal to software engineering patterns is www.hillside.net

Christopher Alexander has his architectual patterns home page at www.patternlanguage.com

An Interesting Search Result :-)
Being the impatient person that I am, I checked for author "Christopher Alexander" and title "The Nature Of Order" on Amazon's Book Search page on Mar 28, 2001. Alas, it did not return the bookâbut three close matches: Sex for Dummies, Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, and Edge of Victory I: Conquest (Star Wars: The New Jedi Order).
I'm looking forward to your interpretations. (Note: (un)fortunately, Amazon fixed their indexing/searching system, so this result doesn't come up anymore.)
Feel free to add your own!

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