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PEICS Patterns Workshop
Program Committee, ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems
, Berlin, 2010
July 4-8, 2007: EuroPLoP2007
EuroPLoP 2007 will be held in Irsee, Germany.In this year, the confrence is explicitly looking for patterns addressing hci related issues. Other socio-technical topics are also encouraged.
April 24-29, 2004: CHI2004 workshop
CHI2004 will be held in Vienna, Austria.Till Schuemmer, Jan Borchers, John C. Thomas and Uwe Zdun have organized a workshop for CHI 2004 entitled "Human-Computer-Human Interaction Patterns: Workshop on the human role in HCI Patterns".
An abstract can be found here.
Latest news: Our workshop proposal has been accepted for CHI2004! Details for the workshop can be found on the CHI2004Workshop pages.
Sep 14-18, 2003: ECSCW 2003 workshop: "From Good Practices to Patterns"
Workshop at ECSCW 2003 (Helsinki, Sep 14-18, 2003). Organisation: Thomas Herrmann, Andrea Kienle, Gabriele Kunau (University of Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, Informatics and Society) and Till Schümmer (FernUniversität Hagen, Department of Computer Science, Distributed Systems). Deadline for submission: July 1, 2003. Workshop home page: http://www.groupware-patterns.org/ecscw2003.Sep 1-5, 2003: INTERACT 2003 workshop: "The Role of Usability Patterns"
We will have a workshop at INTERACT 2003:2nd Workshop on Software and Usability Cross-Pollination: The Role of Patterns.
The goal of the workshop is to outline a collection of task-analysis patterns, interaction patterns and process patterns for the whole software life cycle.
Visit our website and the description on the official homepage
Apr 6-7, 2003: CHI 2003 workshop on HCI Patterns: Concepts and Tools
Sally Fincher (University of Kent), Janet Finlay (Leeds Metropolitan University), Sharon Greene (IBM Research), Lauretta Jones (IBM Research), Paul Matchen (IBM Research), Pedro Molina (CARE Technologies and the Technical University of Valencia), and John Thomas (IBM Research) were organizing this workshop at CHI 2003. For more information, see the workshop CfP and Extended Abstract!Panel at CASCON 2002
This was a panel on UI patterns with Martijn van Welie, Kevin Mullet, Paul McInerney, and Jan Borchers, at the CASCON 2002 IBM Center for Advanced Studies Conference (Toronto, Sep 30-Oct 3, 2002). It was part of the conference workshop UI Patterns: Should Experienced UI Designers Be Using Them?, described below:"This workshop will involve pioneers of the UI pattern community. They will describe their successes/experiences in industrial projects and discuss their outlook for more widespread adoption of patterns. This workshop will expose experienced UI designers to the UI pattern approach and help them decide if or how they should be starting to use or write patterns. Practical aspects of patterns will be addressed such as: (1) challenges in capturing (as a writer and reader) the essence of a design solution, (2) how the current pattern collects rate in terms of breadth and depth, and (3) how you (i.e., experienced UI designers) can start writing patterns."
Here are the workshop presentation slides by Paul McInerney (moderator), Jan Borchers, Martijn van Welie, and Kevin Mullet.
CSCW 2002 Workshop
John Thomas was co-organizing a one-day workshop on socio-technical pattern languages during CSCW 2002 in New Orleans (Nov 16-20, 2002). Details are at the conference workshop page.CHI 2002 Workshop
Patterns in Practice: A Workshop for UI DesignersThis one-day workshop focused on how UI designers are using patterns today. The scope included the two overlapping areas of concern to design practitioners: (1) writing valid and useful patterns and (2) using patterns effectively in a design assignment. With input from particpants, four or five specific aspects of this topic have be discussed. Candidate discussion topics and activities included: 1) workshop one or more patterns, 2) write a pattern during the workshop, 3) identify new patterns, 4) discuss pattern set organization, 5) critique a particular pattern collection, 6) critique patterns on the same topic from several collections, 7) discuss experiences selecting and applying particular patterns, and 8) discuss introducing a pattern approach to design teams.
For additional details on the workshop, visit http://www.welie.com/patterns/chi2002-workshop/.
Organizers: Kevin Mullet, Paul McInerney, Martijn van Welie
Jan Borchers' position paper, "Teaching HCI Design Patterns: Experience From Two University Courses", for this workshop.
DIAC '02 Shaping the Network Society: Patterns for Participation, Action, and Change
An interesting symposium addressing social implications of the new information and communication society, asking for submissions in the form of patterns. Location: Seattle, Washington, USA, May 16-19, 2002. See the Conference home page for more information.Patterns Panel at IHM-HCI 2001
Richard Griffiths and Lyn Pemberton organized a panel about HCI patterns for IHM-HCI 2001 (Lille, France, September 10-14, 2001). The panel was scheduled for Sep 14. Panelists were Jan Borchers, Richard Griffiths, David Ahlström, and Helen Sharp. [Panel description.] (BTW, Wiley had a stand at the conference, promoting A Pattern Approach.)CHI 2001 Panel
Jan Borchers and John Thomas organized a panel, "Patterns - What's In It For HCI?" at CHI 2001 (Seattle, March 31-April 5, 2001). Panelists included Jim Coplien, Tom Erickson, Richard Griffiths, Alistair Sutcliffe, and the organizers. The CHI web site has some basic panel info. The Extended Abstract (PDF) for the panel is also available.New: Peter Rowley wrote an independent short panel review.
Course on HCI Patterns at Stanford
Jan Borchers gave a course on HCI Design Patterns during Spring quarter 2001. Please see the course home page for more information.BHCI Patterns Workshop
Alistair Sutcliffe, Adam Stork and Phil Gray organized a Workshop on Patterns in Human Computer Interaction for the British Computer Society HCI Group and IFIP Working Group 13.2. It took place in London on November 16, 2000.DIS 2000 Pattern Papers
Jan Borchers published a paper describing his recent work in the Proceedings of the DIS 2000 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (New York, August 16-19,2000).At the same conference, Tom Erickson presented an insightful paper about his work on using patterns as a lingua franca for HCI design.
CHI2K Workshop
Richard Griffiths, Lyn Pemberton, Adam Stork, and Jan Borchers organized a workshop "Pattern Languages for Interaction Design: Building Momentum" held on April 2 and 3, 2000, during the largest annual HCI conference: CHI 2000 in The Hague, The Netherlands.There is a detailed description of the issues we discussed at the workshop. For more information, including a list of participants and position papers, have a look at the official workshop web site.
INTERACT'99 Workshop
Together with Richard Griffiths and Lyn Pemberton from the University of Brighton, Jan Borchers organized a workshop about "Usability Pattern Language" at INTERACT'99. This was the seventh IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, taking place in Edinburgh, Scotland, from 30 August - 3 September, 1999. The workshop discussed the idea of using pattern languages for recording and disseminating good practice in usability design, and it helped building a community of HCI design pattern practitioners.The call for participation is online for historical purposes.
Jan Borchers workshop position paper was called "Interdisciplinary Design Patterns", and it includes a full-scale HCI pattern "Incremental Revealing" in Alexandrian format.
New: A workshop report has been submitted for publication in a Special Issue of AI & Society, Springer Verlag, 2001. Please contact Jan Borchers for a preprint.
UPA'99 Workshop
Asa Granlund and Daniel Lafreniere organized a workshop at the UPA'99 Annual Conference of the Usability Professionals Association, which took place in Scottsdale, AZ from 29 June - 2 July, 1999.CHI'99 Late- Breaking Paper Suite
Jan Borchers organized a suite submission of five late-breaking results papers, and an overview paper, about pattern languages in HCI for CHI'99
ChiliPLoP'99 Hot Topic: Interaction Patterns
The ChiliPLoP'99 Conference on Pattern Languages of Programming had a "Hot Topics" track about interaction patterns. The conference took place from March 16-19 in Wickenburg, Arizona. Jan Borchers workshop report will appear in the ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, Vol. 32, No. 1 (January 2000 issue). (Abstract, full text (300KB PDF).)1997
CHI'97 Workshop
At CHI'97, Tom Erickson and John Thomas organized a workshop "Putting It All Together: Towards a Pattern Language for Interaction Design". The workshop report appeared in SIGCHI Bulletin, 30(1), January 1998, and is available online.Sidebar
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