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The workshop will be run in four phases: In a pre-workshop-phase, the participants’ pattern submissions will be shepherded by an experienced pattern writer. This phase will start after the submission deadline and will last until 14 days before the conference. During this phase, authors will also be encouraged to test PLML with their patterns.
The second phase will take place on the first workshop day. In this phase, the submissions will be discussed in writer’s workshops. The third phase on the second workshop day will be used to broaden the scope of the submitted patterns by looking for interconnections between existing patterns and identifying new related patterns. There will be room both for structuring the patterns in a pattern language (using PLML) and for authoring first drafts of new patterns.
The final phase will take place after the workshop. Participants will be asked to refine their patterns according to the remarks during the writer’s workshop. They will also be encouraged to author and peer-review the patterns found on the second day.
We will announce the workshop using various pattern- and hci-related discussion lists as well as personally inviting participants of past pattern workshops. The number of participants is limited to 12.
We see three desirable outcomes of the workshop: First, a collection of carefully reviewed patterns. Second, findings on the applicability of PLML (and maybe an improved version of the PLML). And third, a better understanding on the role of stories in HCHI-Patterns.Read on...
... Important Dates
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... The Narrative Nature of HCI Patterns
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