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PET stands for the Pattern Editing Toolkit, described in Jan Borchers' book, A Pattern Approach to Interaction Design
CoPE stands for the Collaborative Pattern Editor. It is currently developed at the FernUniversitaet? in Hagen by Tuill Schümmer and Wolfram Schobert. If you are interested in trying it out, you can download the tool at Till Schümmer's Tool from the Collaboration Server of the FernUniversität? in Hagen CoPE.EXE

Sharon Greene's Tool
Pattern editing toolkit by Sharon Greene, IBM (name, details?)idealXML
IDEALXML is a pattern-oriented tool. Using this environment you can edit, manipulate, view and learn about patterns. It is based on PLML, but additional elements were provided. You could create a new repository, and then distribute your repository to other peoples, this is essential. You could edit textual features associated with a pattern, such as: name, alias, problem, context, solution, synopsis, rationale, etc. And you could edit diagrams using meaningful notations (class diagrams and CTT) from software engineering and human-computer interaction. So, ergonomic criteria, forces, diagrams, examples and author´s information are associated with a pattern too. Diagrams are associated using usiXML and patterns are stored using PLML. You can find additional information about idealXML in idealXML
OlivaNova Model Execution System
ONME is a suit of tools for Conceptual Modeling of business applications. It is supported by full code generation (where full means code ready to compile and use; instead of skeletons with TO DO sections).Inside ONME, User Interface is gathered using a Conceptual User Interface Pattern Language used as primitive bricks for a Model-based UIDE.
Later on, during the code generation phase, conceptual patterns are associated with implementations of design patterns to achieve the implementation allowing in this way to map conceptual patterns from abstract UIs to concrete UIs until reaching the implementation. Translators for VB 6, JSP & ColdFusion MX are available. A C# translator is currently under development.
For more information about it please visit: CARE Technologies S.A.

For requesting an evaluation version send an e-mail to: care.technologies@care-t.com

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