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These shepherds have expressed their interest...
- hermann/wissen
- Bienhaus
2. Lyons/Kluender
3. Ziegler
I'd rather get a real pattern paper like Herman and Wissen, even though it needs a lot of work,
than a paper about patterns, like the one by Judy Roell. But I will take
any of the papers that makes an attempt to describe patterns.
- Jan Borchers
- Judy Roell
- Michael J. Lyons, Daniel Kluender
any paper, pattern paper preferred.
my first choice is eight patterns for speech interaction for older adults.
I have some background in speech synthesis, speech reco, voice messaging,
and the psychology of aging.
Second choice: social learning via gaming
Third choice: computer and videogames for learning
Gertrud Bjornvig,
Alejandro Fernandez,
one of:- hermann/wissen
- Bienhaus
Torsten Holmer,
1. Hermann/Wissen2. Lyons/Kluender
3. Ziegler
Ralph Johnson,
one paper:I'd rather get a real pattern paper like Herman and Wissen, even though it needs a lot of work,
than a paper about patterns, like the one by Judy Roell. But I will take
any of the papers that makes an attempt to describe patterns.
Catherine Letondal,
James Nobel (evtl.),
one of:- Jan Borchers
- Judy Roell
- Michael J. Lyons, Daniel Kluender
Till Schümmer,
I'll take any paper - if needed even two, but I'd prefer just one. Maybe the ones of Diethelm Bienhaus and the Paper by Kai Uwe Loser would not really suit me because I know the sheep personally. Shepherding a paper of sonmeone you don't know is more interesting because you don't have any pre-understanding of the author's thoughts.Uwe Zdun,
any paper, pattern paper preferred.
John C. Thomas
Not sure whether I should choose only a few or the whole collection, butmy first choice is eight patterns for speech interaction for older adults.
I have some background in speech synthesis, speech reco, voice messaging,
and the psychology of aging.
Second choice: social learning via gaming
Third choice: computer and videogames for learning
Online users
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