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BHCI-Borchers.pdf |
HCI Design Patterns: Twelve Theses (BHCI 2000 workshop position paper, London, Nov. 2000) |
Tue 27 of July, 2004 |
jan |
9225 |
borchers-chi99b.pdf |
Jan Borchers - Breaking the Interdisciplinary Limits of ComputerHuman Interaction Design: A Pattern Approach, CHI'99 |
Tue 02 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
5741 |
chiliplop99-report.pdf |
Jan Borchers - CHI Meets PLoP: An Interaction Patterns Workshop |
Mon 01 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
9076 |
HCII99Bo.pdf |
Jan Borchers - Designing Interactive Music Systems: A Pattern Approach |
Tue 02 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
6623 |
HCI99-2.pdf |
Jan Borchers - Designing Interactive Music Systems: A Pattern Approach (Extended Abstract) |
Tue 02 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
7021 |
CHI2K-Borchers.pdf |
Jan Borchers - Interaction Design Patterns: Twelve Theses, workshop at CHI 2000. |
Tue 02 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
7940 |
borchers-i99ws.pdf |
Jan Borchers - Interdisciplinary Design Patterns. Workshop position paper. |
Tue 02 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
8763 |
borchers-ch99a.pdf |
Jan Borchers - Pattern Languages in Human-Computer Interaction (Suite Overview), CHI'99 |
Tue 02 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
13140 |
CHI2K-Borchers-Pattern.pdf |
Jan Borchers - Sample Pattern of Interaction Design Patterns: Twelve Theses, workshop at CHI 2000. |
Tue 02 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
6878 |
teaching-hci-patterns.pdf |
Jan Borchers - Teaching HCI Design Patterns: Experience From Two University Courses |
Tue 02 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
9100 |
CASCON-borchers-v2.pdf |
Jan Borchers - UI Patterns: History, Status, Application. Presentation held at IBM CASCON Workshop, Oct. 1, 2002 |
Mon 01 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
8823 |
patterns-panel-extabstract.pdf |
Jan Borchers and John Thomas - Patterns: What's in it for HCI? |
Mon 01 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
11088 |
ieee2.pdf |
Jan Borchers and Max Mühlhäuser - Musical Design Patterns: An Example of a Human-Centered Model of Interactive Multimedia |
Tue 02 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
8284 |
CASCON-Mullet-Rev.pdf |
Kevin Mullet - Prescriptive Design Patterns: Proactive Guidance for Real-World Systems. Presentation held at IBM CASCON Workshop, Oct. 1, 2002 |
Mon 01 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
9185 |
CASCON-welie-v2.pdf |
Martijn van Welie - Patterns for Designers? Presentation held at IBM CASCON Workshop, Oct. 1, 2002 |
Mon 01 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
7573 |
plml.1.00.dtd |
Pattern Language Markup Language DTD |
Tue 02 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
10059 |
chi2003-patterns-borchers.pdf |
Patterns as a link between HCI and architecture (CHI 2003 HCI Patterns workshop position paper, Jan Borchers) |
Tue 27 of July, 2004 |
jan |
7329 |
IHM-HCI2001PanelPatternsPap.pdf |
Richard Griffiths and Lyn Pemberton - Panel: Patterns in Human-Computer Interaction Deisgn |
Mon 01 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
11196 |
griffiths-chi99.pdf |
Richard Griffiths and Lyn Pemberton - Teaching Usability Design Through Pattern Language, CHI'99 |
Tue 02 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
6680 |
chi2000ws.pdf |
Richard Griffiths, Jan Borchers and Adam Stork - Pattern Languages for Interaction Design: Building Momentum. Workshop at CHI 2000. |
Tue 02 of Mar., 2004 |
admin |
7578 |